Department of Fisheries Resources and Management
- Identification of finfish, shellfish, aquatic mammals, reptiles and amphibians, eggs and larvae.
- Collection of fisheries data and dissemination to fisherfolk
- Conducting awareness program on “Responsible Fisheries” for the management of marine resources
- Consultancy services for the fisherfolk on the sustainable utilization of the resources
- Industry/ sector related services
- Appraisal of fisheries and resources characteristics of commercially important finfishes and shellfishes.
- Biology of more than 75 species of fish and shellfish species have been studied
- Shrimp seed resources survey in the estuaries
- Biodiversity of fish and shellfish in mangroves
- Stress studies and Vitamin requirements in fish and shellfish
- Digestive physiology of fishes and shellfishes
- Soft-shell syndrome and histopathology in cultivable shrimps
- Pathogenicity of luminous bacterium Vibrio harveyi in shrimps
- Remote Sensing and Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ) forecast validation
- Studies on impact of monsoon fishing ban on fishers and their Indigenous Technical Knowledge
- Socio – economic status of local fisherfolk